ALX Community (Atrium)
277 S. Washington Street, Suite 210
Alexandria, VA 22314
The office is located in Alexandria, Virginia, in the heart of Old Town, at the ALX Community Suites (Atrium location).
Parking: there is typically plenty of 2 hour (free and metered) street parking around the building on Columbus Ave, Prince St, and Duke St.
Atrium - Lobby
The stairs up to Suite 210 are located in the rear of the lobby. Notice the “alx community” sign.
There is an elevator located in the lobby near the bank entrance and main lobby doors.
ALX Community Suite (Atrium)
Suite 210 is located up these stairs. Receptionist will buzz you in and direct you from there.
If using the elevator, please proceed to the 2nd floor and call (703) 826-0020 ext. 2 to be buzzed in.